Redeemer Christian School

an accredited, classical and Christian school in Mesa, Arizona


   Combining the disciplines of literature, history, theology and rhetoric/oration, the Omnibus method is a classical, Christian approach which explores the thoughts and philosophies of the Church Fathers through the Reformation while teaching students to analyze them by the light of God’s word.  The course studies the worldview of the medieval world as reflected in literature, art, music, historical accounts, and scientific development, and the world views of the authors of those writings.

   With a focus on the literary classics, original primary source documents/historical accounts, the program aims to cultivate and produce students who are culturally literate.

   The goal or destination of this course is for the student to learn to reason well and communicate winsomely.  The program includes learning composition, logic, and aesthetics with additional written papers and oral presentations, dramatized work, debates, tests, and field trips.

   Biblical Books and Biblical doctrine studied include:  The Gospel of John, Ephesians, The Apostles Creed, The Nicene Creed, Definition of Chalcedon.

   Literature and Historical Books studied include:  The Church History (Eusebius), Confessions (Augustine), On the Incarnation (Athanasius), Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Bede), The Rule of St. Benedict (Benedict), Beowulf, The Song of Roland, History of the Kings of Britain (Geoffrey of Monmouth), Macbeth (Shakespeare), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Divine Comedy:  Inferno (Dante’), The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), Bondage of the Will (Luther), The Hobbit (Tolkien), Fellowship of the Ring (Tolkien). The Nine Tailors (Sayers), The Dragon and the Raven (Henty), The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (Pyle), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), Winning His Spurs (Henty), The Two Towers (Tolkien), Henry V (Shakespeare), Richard III (Shakespeare), The Return of the King (Tolkien).

    The seminar meets three times weekly for three hours on the campus at Redeemer Christian School.  In addition to dialog and debate, individual and group presentations, students receive reading and written assignments during seminar sessions.  Reading and class preparation are completed at home under the supervision of the parent.  Field trip expenses are included in tuition.

   At the conclusion of this year-long course, students will receive the following high school credits, which are given honors designations:

Medieval World Literature                          1 credit

Medieval World History             1 credit

Bible/Medieval World Philosophy 1 credit

Rhetoric                          1 credit

Cost (includes use of books) for the 2014-2015 school year:   $ 1745


   More information about enrollment in worldview seminar course at RCS can be requested by phoning the school, 480-962-5003, or by emailing:

  An application for admission to the home school program can be downloaded here.

Worldview Seminar

for High School Students

  The Philosophy, Theology, Literature and History and Aesthetic of the Medieval World

Christian School 